Monday March 13th 2006.
Paul Gillieron, acoustic consultant; Alex Haw, architect; Kaffe Matthews, artist M4B director; David Muth, programmer, musician;
Discussion topics focussed on:
software controlled imagery,
externalizing brain function (Godwin Vickers) and the Lumiere Brothers and the 3D photograph (approx 1890).
How could an ambisonic system be used within the Bed? Is this relevant? Do we want a surround experience or do we want multiple channel possibilities?
Are we trying to recreate something that is ‘real’ or trying to create something that is new? human-made?
Report back from the Instrument team presented :
a) experiments with frequenices,
b) the discovery of the feet as a sensitive portal to bass frequencies which have a variety of extreme sensations throughout the body over a short range of frequencies. Proposed to develop a plan to make foot stools.
c) the intention to make a work for the Bed that was madedue to the effect of certain combinations of frequencies.
Discussed subtractive frequencies; ( Not subtractive synthesis) the phenomenon of a sub-frequency being produced by the difference between 2 frequencies played into a reverberant space. eg. play a 440Hz then a 480Hz and a sub of 40 Hz will be produced. An interesting phenomenon to use within a vibrant furniture chamber?
An overall question is how to create a vocabulary that is both physical and musical?