Jeremy Keenan

December 2006

Cerberus Carnis Rex: A piece created entirely from sonic transformations of stereo field recordings originally recorded at Camp K-9, an overnight care center for dogs. The dogs were recorded between around 4 and 5 in the morning, when their utterances started to become quite strange, and their seeming irritation in captivity had reached an apex (or perhaps some other canine emotion)- A dawn chorus of yelps, growls, and barking. The piece includes moments of untreated dog sounds, punctuating the soundscape with an occasional cacaphony of barking, along with the rattling of chains, hands petting fur, and other acoustic features of the recorded space. The Sonic Bed has provided an excellent venue for this piece, offering not only an immersive sonic environment in which to express the reconstruction of the, sonic space, but the potential to express tactile possibilities of Cerberus Carnis Rex.


Thank you for letting me work with the bed, and for our collaboration- it has been a great pleasure. Do let me know when the new London home for the bed is worked out.

I was just checking out the camp K-9 website- they have a live 24 hour webcam of all the rooms!
